Registered Charity Number: 20016166

Parish Notices 2 February 2025

Change of Mass Times:   There will be no 9.30am Mass in Portrane and no 11.30am Mass in Balheary, instead the 9.30am Mass will be celebrated in Balheary Church until Sunday 16th February.  We apologise for any inconvenience.

Monday to Friday Mass will be celebrated at 10am and a Prayer Service will be held each Saturday at 10am.

St. Brigid’s Day, Saturday 1st February, Mass will be celebrated at 10am.

We celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord this Sunday 2nd February at the 11am Mass.  During the Mass, Candles will be blessed.  We welcome you to take a blessed candle at the end of the Mass and if you would like to make a donation, please place it in the basket provided.

We celebrate the Feast of St. Blaise on Monday 3rd February at the 10am Mass and during the Mass there will be Blessing of the Throats.


Annual Mass of Remembrance:  This Sunday 2nd February at 5pm we will celebrate our Annual Mass of Remembrance for all children who died before or after birth, recently or in the distant past.  A special book of remembrance will be placed in front of the Altar and we invite and encourage you to enter the name of your child in the book.

Family Offering Boxes   The new Family Offering Boxes for 2025 due to commence on Sunday 2nd February are ready for collection from the parish office.  We ask all who help with delivering the boxes to call to the parish during the coming week.  We thank you all for your ongoing support.

Maranatha – the first of our 3 special Confirmation preparation Maranatha events takes place on Friday next, 7th February, from 7:30pm to 8:30pm in St. Patrick’s Church and will also be broadcast on our parish webcam ( ). We will be welcoming our Confirmation candidates and their parents where the theme will be the Gospels. As always, we remember in a special way all our young people at Maranatha as well as bringing our own intentions. If there is anyone you would like remembered at Maranatha this month, please email the names to by next Wednesday if possible.


World Day of the Sick February 2025  On Saturday the 8th of February our Partnership will come together to celebrate mass with Anointing of the Sick. Mass will be at 10am in Donabate St Patricks’ Church with Anointing of the Sick. If you know of any neighbour in need of a lift to the church you might offer your services. Anyone needing a lift could you please get in contact with the parish office and we will do our best to match you to someone. Likewise if you can offer a lift on the day please let us know in the Parish office.


Family Mass – Sat 8th February – Our next Family Mass will take place at the 6.30pm Mass on Saturday next, 8th February, in Donabate Church. We would be delighted if families can participate on the 8th. Please spread the word!  Any families wishing to participate in the Family Mass next Saturday can register their interest by emailing:


RCIA – welcoming Talita – During Advent, we invited you to pray for an adult and some older children preparing to receive Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and/or  Eucharist. We are delighted that this weekend, as we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord, we are formally  welcoming Talita, as she journeys in preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. We invite you to keep Talita in your prayers as she prepares for this hugely significant Sacrament, confirming her faith.

Contemplative Prayer Group   We would like to invite everyone to join in our newly formed Contemplative prayer group in our parish. This is an opportunity to connect with God, ourselves, each other, and creation in a time of quiet, reflection and prayer. We hope to grow in our faith together. The group will meet every Tuesday evening at 7pm until 8pm in the Donabate Parish Hall Library room beginning the 18th of February. Everyone is welcome (must be 18+). If you would like more information please see our social media pages for updates.

Start your day with the Lord – Early  morning    Contemplate Prayer – starting Fri day 21st  February– In addition to the Tuesday evening Contemplative prayer group we are also starting a shorter, early morning, Contemplative Prayer group on Friday mornings from 7am to 7:25am in the Parish Hall Library room beginning on Friday 21st of February. Everyone is welcome (must be 18+, or else be accompanied by a parent/guardian). Come and join us for a time of quiet, reflection and prayer before we face into the busyness of the day. If you would like more information please see our social media pages for updates.

The Council of Nicaea, the Bible and the Church Fathers.    2025 marks the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea which took place in AD 325. Nicaea clarified church teaching on the Trinity and the Incarnation, that God is three and yet one and that Christ is fully God and fully man. The Council gave us the Nicene Creed with language that we repeat every Sunday – that Jesus is “consubstanial” with the Father, true God from true God, begotten not made.

To deepen our understanding of the importance of Nicaea and why the Council was necessary, St. Cronan’s Parish Scripture Study group will offer the study The Bible and the Church   Fathers beginning on Monday 10th February. Participants will meet in St Cronan’s Pastoral Centre on Monday nights 7.30 to 8.20 pm over 12 lessons, to view a video presentation each week followed by a group  discussion and an opportunity to ask questions. At the end of the course you will have a good understanding of the various heresies in the Early Church and of how the Church Fathers were able to refute these false beliefs through Holy Scripture. There is no charge and all are welcome.

For more information or to register, please contact Louise in the Parish office tel. 01 8401188 or email


ACCORD Annual Collection will be held on the weekend of 15 & 16 February.  It will replace the Share collection.


Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory every Friday after the 10am Mass.    All welcome.


Call for more Eucharistic Adorers – Fridays – We are blessed in this parish to have Eucharistic Adoration in Donabate Church each Friday, currently from 12noon to 4:30pm. This is such a special opportunity to come and spend some quiet time with the Lord. As our team of regular adorers is small, we would love if more people could commit to spending some time each Friday with the Lord. If you would be willing to either (a) commit to a scheduled time and/or (b) to provide cover when some of our scheduled adorers are unable to make it, please contact the parish office.


Donabate Meals on Wheels – NEW DRIVERS REQUIRED                                        If you would have an hour or two to spare once a fortnight to help deliver meals in the Donabate area please contact Deborah 086 8276555.

Donabate Memory Café held the last Wednesday of each Month in the Donabate Community Centre.  The Memory Café includes information talks, music, games and refreshments.     All welcome.                                                                      



Parish Privacy Policy

Updated Parish Privacy Statement – 24 March 2023 This privacy statement outlines how Donabate, Portrane & Balheary Parish manages the information you provide while using … Continue reading

Parish Notices 2 February 2025

Change of Mass Times:   There will be no 9.30am Mass in Portrane and no 11.30am Mass in Balheary, instead the 9.30am Mass will be celebrated … Continue reading

Child Protection Policy Statement

We in the Parish of Donabate, Portrane and Balheary value and encourage the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities … Continue reading

Dublin Diocesan Synodal Pathway

Pope Francis is inviting all Catholics, the baptised and anyone of good faith all across the world to take part in a time of listening … Continue reading